

Do Wisdom Teeth Cause Migraines?

By |Categories: Blog|

Do Wisdom Teeth Cause Migraines? No, the growth of wisdom teeth does not directly correlate to the causation of migraines, but a person’s reaction to pain caused by wisdom teeth can. When the pain becomes bothersome, you may adjust the [...]

6 Tips for the Perfect Summer Smile

By |Categories: Blog, Wellness|

Summer is here and the time to shine is now! With summer comes warmer weather and longer days and Los Angeles happens to be one of the best places to be during this time. However you choose to spend your [...]

Coronavirus Update from the California Dental Association

By |Categories: Blog|

As the situation around coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to evolve, along with Gov. Newsom's recent Declaration of a State of Emergency and limiting all seniors 65 or older and residents with chronic conditions to self-isolate at home, the California Dental Association [...]

Coronavirus Update: Our Commitment To You

By |Categories: Blog|

      At Personal Dental Office, your health and safety have always been our top priority. Our office has always adhered to the most stringent protocols which meet and exceed OSHA guidelines for sterilization and disinfection.  However, we understand [...]

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