What is cosmetic dentistry? A doctor who does cosmetic dentistry is known as a cosmetic dentist. A typical dentist will essentially check your teeth for strength and health, while a cosmetic dentist will ensure that your smile is beautiful. You can always feel good about your teeth because they may smooth out minor flaws and improve the appearance of your smile.

Modern cosmetic dentistry may be able to improve your smile if you’re not happy with it. As a top-ranked Los Angeles Cosmetic Dentist aims to enhance the look of your mouth, teeth, gums, and smile. Our specialty includes implants, veneers, fillings, and teeth whitening which are typical procedures to enhance your smile and confidence.

The market for cosmetic dentistry is expected to grow to $32 billion by 2026, as it continues to gain popularity. Even though it’s not an essential surgery, cosmetic dentists helped lots of people feel more confident about their smiles.

best cosmetic dentist

What Does a Los Angeles Cosmetic Dentist Do?

A cosmetic dentist performs a range of procedures, from dental veneers, teeth whitening, dental crowns, inlays and Onlays, and dental implants to dental bonding. Here are the cosmetic procedures we offer at Los Angeles Personal Dental Office. 

Teeth whitening

Cosmetic dentistry procedures like teeth whitening are simple and relatively inexpensive. Discoloration of teeth can occur over time as a result of food, beverages, drugs, or other habits like smoking. Lots of people use teeth whitening procedures to make their smiles more vibrant.

Teeth whitening can brighten the surface of teeth after plaque, tartar, and other particles are removed. Professional tooth whitening can make teeth up to 5 to 8 times whiter than over-the-counter solutions like toothpaste, rinses, and whitening strips.

Dental veneers 

Dental veneers are thin, white casings constructed of ceramic, resin, or porcelain of the highest medical grade. Each patient has a custom set that is made to look just like their original teeth. To ensure that veneers bond realistically to the front of the teeth, the dentist removes some enamel from the teeth’s surface before attaching the veneers. Many aesthetic problems, such as misaligned teeth, worn-down enamel, and spaces between teeth, can be resolved with dental veneers.

Dental Crowns

A dental crown, commonly referred to as a dental cap, covers a tooth that has decay or other damage. These crowns can be used to hide deformed or badly discolored teeth or to prevent a weak tooth from shattering. They can also be used to cover additional procedures such as root canals, dental bridges, dental implants, and enamel fillings.

Inlays and Onlays

When a tooth is too badly deteriorated to sustain a conventional filling, cosmetic dentists would suggest inlays and onlays commonly referred to as indirect fillings. These fillings are from a dental lab then a cosmetic dentist bonds them into position. When the substance is bonded in the middle of the tooth, it is known as an inlay. When a filling partially encases a tooth, it is referred to as onlays.

In contrast to a crown, this method keeps more of the natural tooth surface intact while still protecting and repairing the tooth after decay or degradation.

Dental Bonding

A moldable resin is applied to the tooth during dental bonding, and cosmetic dentists use UV radiation to harden it. The material is then cut, shaped, and polished to match the tooth’s surface.

Bonding can fix tooth decay as well as chips, cracks, and crooked teeth. Bonding is a more economical solution than fillings or crowns for minor cosmetic concerns.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are used to replace missing teeth or teeth lost due to severe tooth damage. A cosmetic dentist attaches a screw to the jaw for support purposes. The implant is then placed in the bone socket where the missing tooth once was.

The new tooth is fixed inside the mouth as a result of the bone and tissue fusing to the implant over time. The dental implant should blend in with the neighboring teeth once it is securely placed.

Los Angeles Cosmetic Dentists, all our cosmetics dentist receive their education from 4 years of dental school programs with medical licenses and accreditations after their programs. 

Program training consists of: 

  • Orthodontics (using braces or other orthodontic techniques to realign teeth)
  • Pain management
  • Dental history and law
  • Cosmetic dentistry 
  • Oral medicine 

Why You Should Visit a Cosmetic Dentist

When your teeth are chipped, rotten, misaligned, or discolored, it may be difficult to speak or eat normally. Dental problems may lower self-esteem for some people. There are numerous causes for which you might visit a cosmetic dentist, such as:

  • Damage (chips, cracks, etc.) 
  • Tooth decay
  • Misshapen teeth
  • Discoloration
  • Crooked teeth
  • Missing teeth

Los Angeles Cosmetic Dentist

We are a full-service dental office with over 35 years of experience in Torrance, California. We strive to provide the most thorough, compassionate, and high-quality dental care. Our services include cosmetic dentistry, reconstructive dentistry, TMJ disorders, dental implants, endodontics, periodontics, orthodontics, and oral surgery, schedule your appointment today if you need the dental services.

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