The old saying says that you are what you eat, and your teeth are no different. A diet including sugary foods such as soda and candy cause aggressive tooth decay. Your oral health is one of the first areas to see the effect of poor dieting choices.

To make sure you keep your smile happy and healthy for years to come, this dentist Los Angeles based business has compiled a list of amazing foods that promote healthy teeth.

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As if we needed another reason to eat cheese, but studies state that adding cheese as the last part of your meal helps balance out the pH levels in your mouth. This leads to a lowered risk of tooth decay. Additionally, cheese is rich in calcium and protein, micronutrients that are essential to developing strong tooth enamel.

dentist los angeles


Leafy greens are packed full of incredible micronutrients, it is no wonder that every healthy foods list always includes them. Spinach and ale are high in calcium and folic acid, a type of vitamin B. Folic acid has been linked to treating gum disease as well as numerous other health benefits. If eating greens aren’t your thing, try including them in a smoothie or fitting a serving in with your favorite food. Remember, a little goes a long way.

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Much like cheese, yogurt is another product that is high in both protein and calcium. Yogurt also contains beneficial bacteria known as probiotics. This beneficial bacterial help you maintain good gum health as they crowd out harmful bacteria that leads to cavities. If you decide to include yogurt in your daily diet, be sure to try and reach for a brand with no added sugar.

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While normally, it is advised to avoiding sugary foods, there are exceptions to every rule. Vitamin-rich foods such as apples are packed full of fiber, water and more! Additionally, the naturally fibrous nature of the food stimulates the gums and teeth giving them a good scrubbing. Now eating fruit is by no means a substitute for brushing your teeth, but it does stand as a good option to remove any lodged food particles and hold you out until your next thorough cleaning.

dentist Los Angeles


Much like apples, carrots are full of fiber. By including a handful of carrots at the end of each of your meals, you increase the saliva production in your mouth. Increased saliva neutralizes the acidity in your mouth leading to a lower risk of cavities. In addition to helping your teeth, carrots also have a lot of other amazing health benefits, so be sure to include some in your daily routine!

About Us

Personal Dental Office is a dentist Los Angeles based company located in the heart of the city. This dentist Los Angeles based company has a passion for providing its clients with attentive, quality treatment as well as care. The doctors and staff at personal dental understand that dental examinations can oftentimes be a stressful and sometimes nerve-wracking situation. This is why the entire staff at this dentist Los Angeles business works closely with each patient to make sure all their questions concerns and needs are met.

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